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Vanilla vb3

By Beau Smith
Posted September 4, 2008, in MT Tags, Templates, Widgets.


A quiver of template sets focusing on specific features in Movable Type.

Vanilla provides various template sets which only contain the code necessary to show how a specific feature in Movable Type. These template sets are not endended to be used for publishing your blog, rather they to be used for learning how to add a particular feature.

Learn more about Vanilla.

Template sets available in Beta 2 release:

  1. Vanilla
  2. Vanilla + Archives
  3. Vanilla + Pages
  4. Vanilla + Authentication & Userpics
  5. Vanilla + Comments
  6. Vanilla + Comments w/ Userpics
  7. Vanilla + Create Entry
  8. Vanilla + Search & Tags
  9. Vanilla + Assets
  10. Vanilla + Widgets
  11. Vanilla + Scoring
  12. Vanilla + TypePad Connect Commenting


Movable Type versions: 4.3
