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Keyword “Editing

ExtendPlainEditor 5.26.0

A plugin that adds buttons to the Movable Type 6 plain editor. Compatibility Although the plugin has only been confirmed for Movable Type 6.0.3, it should work with Movable Type 5.2 or higher as long as the system folder contains…

CharmapForTinyMCE 5.26.0

Using charmap functionality, easily select HTML special characters from a character palette and insert them to the TinyMCE based editor.

GiphyType 6.0

Add some flava to your blog with the Giphy MoveableType plugin!! Animated GIFs are a proven way to improve traffic, increase time on site, and promote sharing on social media platforms. Don’t take our word for it, blogs have already utilized Giphy GIFs to boost the popularity of their posts. Adding a GIF with the Giphy plugin couldn’t be easier. Just click the Giphy logo button in the text editor, search or browse via tags to find GIFs, and click on a GIF to get a better view. Once you’ve found the GIF you want, simply click the “Embed into Post” button, and, voila!, the GIF is automatically inserted into your post.


The SetDefaultCategory plugin can be used to set default categories for Movable Type entries.

Checkout Japanese only

Check out features like Dreamweaver.


Abs2Rel is a plug-in to convert a URL starting from the path specified, the URL, which is the output of the articles and blogs. By using this plug-in, global filter named abs3rel will be added. Global filter will allow the URL that begins with the domain name, delete a domain name part, and generates a URL only path specification.

Release Date Japanese only

本プラグインは株式会社ワールドイズマインに譲渡しました。 ブログ記事およびウェブページの日時を、それらを公開した時点の日時に自動的に変更する機能を追加するプラグイン。…

Table Feature for TinyMCE 5.2

Load the table plugin and add buttons for table function to TinyMCE, which is default rich text editor of Movable Type 5.2 or later.

Supr 4.3

A plugin for Movable Type and Melody that provides integration with Stumple Upon’s URL shortening service and iframe viewing window.

SanitizeBlogs 2

Specify HTML tags and attributes allowed in entry/page fields based upon system or blog settings. Functions in a similar manner as, but is distinct from, the GlobalSanitizeSpec configuration directive. A typical use case of this plugin is to cleanup the…


Replace the default rich text editor with CKEditor. You can edit entries, pages and custom fields. CKEditor is also highly customizable for your purpose. This plugin works with MT5….

PicApp ?

The PicApp plugin for Movable Type and Melody provides a seamless integration experience with the PicApp image distribution platform.

AutoSmileys 4.35.0

AutoSmileys is an easy to use and highly customizable macro environment for Movable Type. It will replace self-defined text abbreviations by image tags when your site is published or dynamically rendered, respectively. It may be applied either within entries, comments,…

Locksmith Verified

A plugin for Movable Type which prevents entries and templates from being edited by more than one user at the same time.

Grass 4.3

A implementation of Grass interpreter by pure MTML. See a demo. Grass is a functional grass-planting programming language….

Lou 4.3

Converting a contents into the style of Lou Ohshiba, a Japanese comedian. This is a wrapper plugin of Acme::Lou. See a demo….

Bleach 4.3

A plugin for bleaching contents. See a demo….

Stock Quotes ?

The plugin detects and suggests quotes for your posts, identifying tickers or company names in your posts. When you save your post, you confirm which price quotes you want to include. Ticker symbols next to the stock quote will link…

SyntaxHighlighter 4.3

SyntaxHighlighter allows you to easily post syntax highlighted code all without losing its formatting or making any manual changes on Movable Type 4, powered by SyntaxHighlighter 2.0….

FormatStack 4.3

Allows the creation of new text filters from existing text filters and text modifiers via the MT administration interface, no coding required. If you have ever wanted to use two text filters in the same post (say, Markdown and Smarty…

GuitarTools ?

This plugin offers a wiki-like syntax for writing guitar tabs….

TinyMCE 4.3 Japanese only

Using this plugin, you can use useful rich text editor TinyMCE in writing your entries. You can select the edit buttons you want to use at the settings of this plugin. Note: There is another similar plugin available on….

Lixtal ?

This plug-in is mostly of interest to Swedish, Norwegian, and Danish authors. Lixtal calculates the readability index of your entry, the so-called “LIX-tal,” which is a simple measure of the complexity of your text. As the Lixtal increases, the text…

YUI Rich Text Editor 4.3

YUI has become my new favourite Rich Text Editor and I have been implementing it left right and centre. It’s extensability, features and ease of use are unparralled. It made sense for all these features to be available to me…

AutoLink 4.3

AutoLink provides users with a way of creating a list of “hot words.” Whenever these words appear in a post, they are automatically linked to a designated URL.

VideoEmbedding 4.3

Use BBCode-like tag to embed videos from a variety of external sources, including Google Video, YouTube, Vimeo, MySpace,, and more. For example, you can simply embed an youtube video with this BBCode: [yt]eR8swuWfKMI[/yt]…

EmoticonButton 4.3

Adds a small button to the WYSIWYG editor. You can add emoticons to your entry by clicking the button and choosing the emoticon (SHIFT- click and you can choose multiple emoticons). Emoticon graphics are provided from Six Apart K.K. under…

MT-Quicktags ?

Do you prefer to work directly with the HTML when writing a new entry? Are the simple formatting buttons in the MT interface simply not enough for you? MT-Quicktags is likely just the drink to quench your thirst. Despite all…

Wordometer Verified

When writing an entry, I like to have an idea of how long it is. I often use the Body as an article lead-in and try to keep it between 50 and 75 words, but when I start to throw…

Hot Date

Do you schedule entries, or otherwise modify the Entry Date field? Do you sometimes forget a leading zero, for example, to create a valid, two-digit hour field? Hot Date is just what you need: drop-down time selectors in 12-hour format…

EnhancedEntryEditing ?

EnhancedEntryEditing makes editing and publishing entries in Movable Type much easier by implementing a A WYSIWYG Editor - EnhancedEntryEditing adds tinyMCE, one of the most powerful WYSIWYG editors available, to the Entry Body and Extended Entry fields so that you…

NumericEntitites ?

Converts XHTML and MathML named entities to Numeric Character References. This makes it safe to send XHTML+MathML to XHTML User-Agents (Safari, Opera, etc.) which may not have full MathML support….


Provides two text-filters, converting embedded itex (a dialect of LaTeX) equations into MathML. Bundled with the optional TextileMarkdownMML plugin, which allows you to use itex equations in Textile or Markdown….

Smilies ?

Do you like seeing those little smiley emoticons in other people’s blog? Then Smilies is the plugin for you! This plugin will add 13 smiley faces to your Movable Type Edit Entry screen. With a click, you can add any…

Icon-o-matic ?

Icon-o-matic is a plugin for Movable Type that allows you to easily insert any image into an entry , and any commenter to insert an image into their comment . To restate: Icon-o-matic allows you to easily re-use any image…

Macron 4.3

Adds a button above the entry editing area to easily add a macron to any character. A macron is a “mark placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is long” (Webster). It can be used for example in…

Webiki 4.3

Put a Wiki word in the keywords of a post and have the word auto-linked to that post in other posts.

TidyText ?

A text-formatting plugin that uses HTML Tidy to make valid XHTML and HTML for blog entries in Movable Type [select from Text Formatting menu] <$MTEntryBody tidy=”1”$> <MTTidy><$MTEntryBody$></MTTidy>…

itex2MML ?

For Math equations in entries - compose posts in itex, and converts them to XHTML+MathML, which advanced browsers like Mozilla can render. $\sin(\theta)\cos(\theta)= \frac{1}{2}\sin(2\theta)$ is an inline equation. [ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} e^{-x^2} dx = \sqrt{\pi} ] is a display equation….

Speling ?

This plugin adds spell-checking capabilities to a Movable Type weblog. It adds a global filter that allows any template tag output to be spell-checked, and provides tags for fully-customizable suggestion output….