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AddComment v1.5

By Patrick Benny
Posted June 18, 2006, in Comments, Trackback, Antispam.


This is a Movable Type plugin that allows adding comments right from Movable Type's backend. It adds a "Add A Comment" form in the "Comments" tab when editing an entry. As a bonus, it also adds a "Add A Trackback" form in the "TrackBacks" tab, too.

Personally, I used this to add comments to entries on my blog, after having had to disable the comments script because of spam attacks that were beyond any poor spam filter. It can also be useful for replying to user comments from MT's backend, and also makes it possible to publish the user's comment at the same time as a response.


Built for 3.3 Works with 3.2 (with BigPAPI) (MT 4.0 is NOT supported)
