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Plugin and Theme Directory

Featured Plugins

Website & Blog Organizer Verified

This plugin for Movable Type makes it easy to reorganize the website and blog hierarchy. This can be especially useful after upgrading from Movable Type 4, before websites were introduced.

NotifyWho?! Verified

The NotifyWho?! plugin enables you to control exactly who should receive entry, comment and TrackBack notifications for each blog and when.

Publish Queue Manager 5.26.0 Verified

This plugin provides a simple user interface in the Movable Type administrative system to view, change priority, and delete publishing jobs from the built-in “Publish Queue” system — a system by which files are published in the background. Keeping an eye on what is publishing is a great way to understand what is happening at any given time!

Ghostwriter Verified

Ghostwriter is a Movable Type plugin that adds a control to change the author on Edit Entry and Edit Page screens. Perfect when the person entering or editing content is not the user to be specified as the author. Documentation…

Locksmith Verified

A plugin for Movable Type which prevents entries and templates from being edited by more than one user at the same time.

MappingBasedArchive 6.0 Verified

This plugin provides “Path Based” archive mapping.



  • You can group entries by output path.
  • You can use custom field’s value easily for path of “Path Based” archive mapping.
    • Well supported types
      • Drop Down Menu
      • Radio Buttons
  • You can use the AnotherCustomFields (Japanese only plugin instead of the custom field.
  • Not only you can use the custom field’s value directory, but also you can use the range of the value.
  • You can sort archive by any value.
  • You can set a title of archive by the settings of a mapping.

Clean Sweep Verified

Clean Sweep is a plugin that assists administrators in finding and fixing broken inbound links to their website. It was built to support three use cases:

  • to help users monitor any broken links on their blog and have a system that can automatically adapt by redirecting stale and inbound links to the proper destination.

  • to help users get a clean start with their blog by allowing them to completely restructure their permalink URL structure and have a system that can automatically adapt by redirecting stale and inbound links to the proper destination.

  • to help users in the process of migrating to Movable Type who are forced to modify their web site’s URL and permalink structure.

These use cases have to do with preserving a site’s page rank in light of a major redesign.

Order Verified

Collect sets of template output to order by a particular datum.

Theme Assistant Verified

If you are familiar with the Melody/Endevver approach to theming with Movable Type 4, you are also likely familiar with the Theme Manager plugin. Theme Manager did a lot of great things to make themes more manageable on Movable Type…

Wordometer Verified

When writing an entry, I like to have an idea of how long it is. I often use the Body as an article lead-in and try to keep it between 50 and 75 words, but when I start to throw…

reBlog Verified

Reblog is a Movable Type plugin that parses Atom and RSS feeds and transforms feed entries into Movable Type entries. Imports can be run either manually or in the background using run-periodic-tasks.

Post Office Verified

Post Office is a plugin for Movable Type that allows users to post to their blog via email. It works by connecting Movable Type to an existing email account, like GMail or any POP or IMAP compliant mailbox, and periodically scanning for messages to post.

Config Assistant Verified

The Config Assistant plugin is a powerful platform plugin which significantly reduces the work necessary to create and deploy Movable Type plugins and themes.

DataAPIPublicCache 6.0 Verified

This plugin enables to cache Data API public response via .htaccess.

EntryEvents Verified

A plugin to allow creation of an event calendar in MovableType.

Comment Author Context Verified

The CommentAuthorContext plugin creates a block tag called <mt:CommentAuthorContext> in which <$mt:AuthorSOMETHING$> function tags will refer to the author of the comment.

Extra Tags Verified

This plugin provides Movable Type users with an assortment of miscellaneous tags that do not ship with Movable Type by default.

Loupe 6.0 Verified

Loupe is a smart phone application designed to work with Movable Type 6. Loupe allows the user to perform several mini-tasks while on the go.

User Blog Association Verified

Assign a role and blog to a user specifically (and only) when the user interacts with that blog.

This is different from using the “(newly created user)” functionality, because “(newly created user)” will associate a user with every blog that has a “(newly created user)” defined. Also, “(newly created user)” will only create associations for new users; existing users are never updated.