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Memo v1.2

By Byrne Reese
Posted January 8, 2012, in Administrative Interface.


Memo is a plugin for Movable Type and Melody that can display a memo on the Edit Entry/Page screen, as well as a global message on all CMS screens.


Memo can: * display a global message on top of every CMS screen; * place a text box on top of the other widgets in the right column of the entries and pages edit screen. The memo display and text are customizable per blog.


  1. Download Memo.
  2. Uncompress and move the Memo directory to the MT plugins directory. More in-depth plugin installation instructions.
  3. Customize your memo in the plugin preferences at the blog or site level.


For each blog where you want a memo displayed, go to the plugin preferences and:

  1. Tick the “Display a memo on Edit Entry/Page screens” checkbox (unchecking it will prevent the memo to show up).
  2. Enter a short title (defaults to “Memo” otherwise).
  3. Enter the text of the memo (formatted as HTML). Hint: HTML <p>...</p> paragraphs or <ul><li>...</li></ul> lists work best.

To display a global message on top of all screens in the CMS:

  1. Go to the global plugins page and click on the Memo Settings tab.
  2. Tick the “Display a global message” checkbox (unchecking it will prevent the message to show up).
  3. (Optional) enter a CSS Class to style the message using MT’s own CSS classes for messages (i.e. info, alert, error, beta).
  4. Enter the message (formatted as HTML) in “Message Body”. Note: this code will be wrapped into a <div id="global-memo" class="msg msg-class">...</div> block, where class will be replaced by whatever you put into the CSS Class field above.


Ce plugin parle français. ;-)

Version history

  • Current: 1.2 — Added the option to display a global message.
  • 1.1 — Removed Perl version check, added hints and improved the widget HTML code to respect the system CSS margins.
  • 1.0 — First public release.


Movable Type versions: Verified


Perl Artistic


Byrne Reese

Byrne Reese was previously the Product Manager of Movable Type at Six Apart, where he had also held positions as the Manager of Platform Technology and Product Manager for TypePad. Byrne is a huge supporter of the Movable Type user and developer community. He dedicates much of his time to promoting and educating people about Movable Type as well as building the tools and plugins for Movable Type that are showcased on Majordojo. He contributes regularly to open source; and he is an advocate for open protocols and standards like Atom and OpenID.
