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By ideamans
Posted February 11, 2014, in Theme: Personal site.


After connecting Movable Type 6 and Google Analytics, the MoreAnalytics plugin analyzes access data collected by Google Analytics and displays this information on the MT6 admin screen.

(Japanese presentation slides on using MoreAnalytics)

MT MoreAnalytics Plugin

This plugin provides many features about Google Analytics based on GoogleAnalytics plugin.


Put the following directories into your Movable Type.

  • plugins/MoreAnalytics to $MT_HOME/plugins
  • mt-static/plugins/MoreAnalytics to $MT_HOME/mt-static/plugins/

The upgrader runs once.

Google Analytics API Playground

If you already set up Google Analytics API in Movable Type, open playground on Google Analytics menu. You can

Template Tags

Google Analytics API is assigned to each blog or website. So template tags around GA are need blog or website context.


Checks if Google Analytics API is ready for blog in current context.

<mt:MultiBlog ids="1,2,3">
  <!-- NOT READY -->

mt:GAProfiles and mt:GAProfile

Enumrates profiles.

  <$mt:GAProfile name="name">: <$mt:GAProfile name="id"$>

mt:GAProfile looks up attribute of each profile.

You can dump profiles like this:

<mt:GAProfiles _dump="table"></mt:GAProfiles>

_dump modifires can take table, csv or tsv.

mt:GAReport and mt:GAValue

Queries Google Analytics Core Reporting API.

You can also use mt:GAReportHeader and mt:GAReportFooter to write each section.

<mt:GAReport start_date="2013-08-01" end_date="2013-08-31" metrics="pageviews" dimensions="pagePath">
  <$mt:GAValue name="pagePath"$>: <$mt:GAValue name="pageviews">

mt:GAReport takes the following modifies. These are based on Google Analytics API, but ga: prefix is optional.

  • start_date (Required)
  • end_date (Required)
  • ids
  • metrics (Required)
  • dimensions
  • fields
  • filters
  • segment
  • start_index (Default: 1)
  • max_results (Default: 10000)

And you can also set a basename of Aggregation Period described as bellow.

  • period

mt:GAValue can take field name in metrics and dimensions.

Dump is also available for mt:GAReport.

<mt:GAReport ... _dump="table"></mt:GAReport>


If you want to break mt:GAReport loop, put mt:GAReportBreak function tag.

<mt:If tag="Foo" eq="Bar">

Take note mt:GAReportBreak is different from programming statement. It’s cancel all output the turn reaches mt:GAReportBreak.

mt:GAGuessObject and mt:GAIfObjectType

mt:GAGuessObject tries to link Google Analytics report with Movable Type object via page path.

Database of Movable Type has mt_fileinfo table to mapping paths and objects. mt:GAGuessObject uses the records.

<!-- Report pageviews about entries and categories -->
<mt:GAReport period="default" metrics="pageviews" dimensions="pagePath">

  <!-- Guess object from pagePath -->
  <mt:GAGuessObject name="pagePath">

    <!-- If the object was entry or page -->
    <mt:GAIfObjectType is="entry">
      <mt:EntryTitle>: <mt:GAValue name="pageviews">

    <!-- If the object was category of folder -->
    <mt:GAIfObjectType is="category">
      <mt:CategoryLabel>: <mt:GAValue name="pageviews">



It’s interesting set landingPagePath or exitPagePath to name of mt:GAGuessObject to guess about landing or exit page.

You can filter object type in mt:GAGuessObject like this:

<!-- Guess only for entries -->
<mt:GAGuessObject name="exitPagePath" only="entry">

mt:Entries and mt:Pages

This section related with Object Stats feature.

These are typical template tags of Movable Type. MoreAnalytics plugin expand these tags to enable sort with Google Analytics metrics.

<!-- Entries ordered by pageviews -->
<mt:Entries sort_by="ga:pageviews" sort_order="descend" ga:period="your_period">
  <mt:EntryTitle>: <mt:GAEntryStat name="pageviews">

mt:GAEntryStat and mt:GAPageStat

This section related with Object Stats feature.

You can refer metrics about entries and pages in each context.

<mt:EntryTitle>: <mt:GAEntryStat name="exit_rate" sprintf="%0.2f%%">

Object Stats and Aggregation Period

Object stats are pre-fetch Google Analytics metrics that used for sorting in mt:Entries and listing screen.

  • Pgeviews
  • Unique Visitors
  • Entrance Rate
  • Exit Rate
  • Bounce Rate
  • Average Page Download Time
  • Average Page Load Time
  • Average Time On Page

After you enable object stats features at plugins management screen, execute run-periodic-tasks.

You can display, filter and sort metrics in listing screen of entries.


Movable Type versions: 6.0


