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Order v1.2

By markpasc
Posted July 30, 2008, in Utilities.


Collect sets of template output to order by a particular datum.


Unarchive into your Movable Type directory.


Use the provided template tags to collect and reorder template content. For example, to show the last 30 unique entries and ActionStreams items:

<mt:Order limit="30">

        <div class="site-activity">

        <div id="one_day">
            <p class="date"><mt:OrderDate format="%B %e, %Y"></p>


    <mt:Entries lastn="30">
            <mt:setvarblock name="order_by" strip_linefeeds="1" trim="1">
                <mt:EntryDate utc="1" format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S">
            <mt:Include module="Entry">

    <mt:ActionStreams limit="30">
        <mt:setvarblock name="actionurl"><mt:StreamActionURL escape="html"></mt:setvarblock>
        <mt:If name="actionurl" like="">
                <mt:setvarblock name="order_by" strip_linefeeds="1" trim="1">
                    <$mt:StreamActionDate format="%Y%m%d%H%M%S"$>
                <p><a href="<mt:StreamActionURL escape="html">"><img src="/img/icons/<mt:var name="service_type">_16.png" width="12" height="12"></a> <a href="<mt:StreamActionURL escape="html">" class="actionlink"><mt:StreamActionTitle></a></p>



Template tags

The collection and reordering of content is governed through these provided template tags:


Provides the context in which content items are reordered. All the mt:OrderItem tags contained within an mt:Order tag are sorted as one set of content based on the value of their order_by variables.

mt:Order takes the following optional attributes:


If set to ascend, reorders the content from first to last (that is, 1 to 9 and A to Z). Otherwise, the items are sorted in descending order (Z to A and 9 to 1).


Specifies a number of mt:OrderItems to skip. That is, after reordering all the mt:OrderItem tags, discard this many items from the front of the list.


Specifies how many mt:OrderItems to show. That is, after reordering all the mt:OrderItem tags (and discarding items due to offset), keep only this many items from the front of the list.


If set to 1, sorting values that look like numbers will be sorted numerically. Otherwise, items are sorted “asciibetically.”

When all your sorting values are strings of the same length that you want to compare strictly character by character, such as timestamps, omit this to save some computational work. If your content’s sorting values are user-provided or if they’re numbers, specify natural="1".


If set to 1, reorder the items randomly instead of using the sorting values.

When using this attribute, you can safely omit the natural, sort_order, and by attributes, and you need not set sorting values inside your mt:OrderItem tags. mt:OrderItem pin attributes are still honored, however.


Specifies the name of the variable by which to order items. If not given, the items are sorted by the values of the default variable order_by.

If your mt:OrderItem template fragments are already storing their sorting values in a variable, you can put the name of that variable in the mt:Order by attribute to avoid copying those values into the order_by variable.


Packages a content fragment for reordering against the sibling mt:OrderItem tags in an mt:Order.

Order items are reordered based on the value of the order_by variable you set inside the mt:OrderItem tag. Set the order_by variable by using the mt:SetVarBlock tag or the setvar="variable name" global attribute on a tag inside the mt:OrderItem.

mt:OrderItem has one optional attribute:


When specified, instead of being sorted against the other items, the content of the mt:OrderItem will be inserted into the ordered set at the point you specify.

Pin points are zero-based indexes into the final set. That is, writing mt:OrderItem pin="0" is almost like using the mt:OrderHeader tag. Pin points can also be specified relative to the end of the list by using negative numbers: writing mt:OrderItem pin="-1" is almost like using the mt:OrderFooter tag.

If multiple mt:OrderItems have the same pin value, those items will be reordered based on their order_by values, then spliced into the full set of items at the specified pin point as a contiguous tranche. Pinned groups are inserted from left to right (0 to -1), so groups with multiple items may overlap with groups pinned nearby. For example, if there are four items pinned at 0 and one item pinned at 1, in the final reckoning three of the items pinned at 0 will appear after the item at 1: by the time the item at 1 is finally pinned, the other items pinned at 0 have already become items 1, 2, and 3.

Pinned items are put in position before the mt:Order tag’s limit attribute is considered. That is, if you order 11 items, pin one to -1 (last), and use limit="10" on the mt:Order tag, the pinned item will not be shown (it was the eleventh of ten items).


Contains template content that is displayed at the front of the mt:Order loop, as long as there are mt:OrderItems to display.

Content from an mt:OrderHeader is shown before the first mt:OrderItem, or even an mt:OrderItem pinned to the front with the pin="0" attribute.


Contains template content that is displayed at the end of the mt:Order loop, as long as there are mt:OrderItems to display.

Content from an mt:OrderFooter is shown after the last mt:OrderItem, even an mt:OrderItem pinned to the end with the pin="-1" attribute.


A container tag whose contents will be displayed before the mt:OrderItem in context if it is the first item for a given day. Requires order_by variable set inside the mt:OrderItem tag to be a timestamp formatted %Y%m%d%H%M%S.


A container tag whose contents will be displayed after the mt:OrderItem in context if it is the last item for a given day. Requires order_by variable set inside the mt:OrderItem tag to be a timestamp formatted %Y%m%d%H%M%S.


A function tag that works like an mt:Date tag, for use within mt:OrderDateHeader and mt:OrderDateFooter blocks. Does not take a utc attribute.


1.2 10 October 2011

  • Added mt:OrderDateHeader and mt:OrderDateFooter tags.
  • Added mt:OrderDate tag.

1.1 10 June 2010

  • Added mt:OrderHeader and mt:OrderFooter tags.
  • Added shuffle ordering option.
  • Added pin feature.

1.0 30 July 2008

  • First release


Movable Type versions: Verified


