MTViewer 6.0
This plugin enables publishing archive dynamically.
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This plugin enables publishing archive dynamically.
本プラグインは株式会社ワールドイズマインに譲渡しました。 Movable TypeのPerlのエンジンを利用したダイナミックパブリッシング機能を提供します。 Movable Type標準のダイナミックパブリッシングと異なり、既存のプラグインやテンプレートがそのまま動作します(ただし一部動作しないものもあります)。…
DynamicMTML is the PHP extension framework for Movable Type. By using mod_rewrite to pass the HTTP request to the dynamic site Bootstrapper (.mtview.php), MTML Tags in static files will be processed by Movable Type’s dynamic publishing engine. This framework also…
ITEMAN Dynamic Publishing provides a Perl-based dynamic publishing system that works as a replacement for the PHP-based dynamic publishing built into Movable Type. It allows you to publish Web pages dynamically with normal publishing workflow as well as the built-in…
A plugin that provides support for paginating a MT template module. It relies on MT’s dynamic publishing feature, but does not require the first page itself to be published dynamically.