A-Form to Entry is a plugin that takes forms created by the "A-Form" plugin and either inserts the form into a blog entry or publishes it.
Functions / Features
A-Form allows you to easily post an entry from as a "Blog Post". For example, if you want to post a form to your blog for your viewers to see, or if you want to gather information over an intranet system, A-Form to Entry would be an ideal solution.
From the A-Form Settings Tab, enter the related parts ID to blog entry "Title", "Body Text", and "Tag" input fields. The form will then be inserted using these specifications.
If you want to set a custom field other than title, body text, or tags, it is possible to match the parts ID and the field basename from the A-Form side.
- By default, the form entry will be saved as unpublished (draft).
A-Form PC: MTOS 5 and newer Movable Type Pro 5 and newer Movable Type Advanced 5 and newer A-Form PC/Mobile: Movable Type Pro 5 and newer Movable Type Advanced 5 and newer ※ The "Keitai Kit" plugin by Idea Mans is required to run A-Form 3 PC/Mobile.
54,000 yen (includes tax) (1 product license per 1 copy of Movable Type)
Test / Purchase
Feel free to download the trial version of the product for free before purchasing. You will need to fill out a request form to access the free trial download link.
(link currently for Japanese version only)
※If you belong to an NPO, NGO, volunteer organization, or run a website related to the March 11th 2011 Tohoku earthquake disaster relief, see this page for information on the "Free License".
Movable Type versions: Japanese only
Language Note
A-Form to Entry or its documentation is not fully localized into English. If you are interested in using A-Form to Entry but require additional translation, please let us know by e-mailing