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Purge Activity Log v0.3

By Byrne Reese
Posted December 1, 2010, in Developer.


Purge Activity Log Plugin for Movable Type

This single serving plugin solves the one simple problem of keeping activity logs from getting too large by automatically deleting log entries older than n days.

The Movable Type activity log is a record of all the events that occur inside of an installation. It records login events, search keywords, user creation, comment creation, errors, as well as debug messages from plugins. If left untended and unmonitored one's activity log can easily balloon in size and take up precious space in your database.

This plugin addresses this problem by allowing admins to specify how long activity log entries should be stored. Once a log entry passes a certain age threshold this plugin will delete it.


To install this plugin follow the instructions found here:


This plugin requires the Config Assistant framework.


To specify the number of days you would like to keep activity log entries around, navigate to "Tools" > "Plugins" from the System Dashboard or System Overview menu. Find "Purge Activity Log" in the list of plugins, click the "Settings" tab, and then enter the desired number of days and click Save Changes. And you are done.

Help, Bugs and Feature Requests

If you are having problems installing or using the plugin, please check out our general knowledge base and help ticket system at


Perl Artistic


Byrne Reese

Byrne Reese was previously the Product Manager of Movable Type at Six Apart, where he had also held positions as the Manager of Platform Technology and Product Manager for TypePad. Byrne is a huge supporter of the Movable Type user and developer community. He dedicates much of his time to promoting and educating people about Movable Type as well as building the tools and plugins for Movable Type that are showcased on Majordojo. He contributes regularly to open source; and he is an advocate for open protocols and standards like Atom and OpenID.
