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Related Entries v0.9

By Byrne Reese
Posted September 7, 2011, in Entry & Page.


About Related Entries

This plugin will automatically publish any entries that share a tag with the entry being saved/published. This allows entries that utilize any kind of "related entry" feature to remain up to date.

Related Entries Template Tag Code

This following template code will publish a list of entries related to the current entry:

<mt:setvarblock name="curentry"><mt:entryid /></mt:setvarblock>
<mt:setvarblock name="sgtags"><mt:entrytags glue=" OR "><mt:tagname></mt:entrytags></mt:setvarblock>
<mt:setvarblock name="listitems"><mt:entries tags="$sgtags"><mt:setvarblock name="listentry"><mt:entryid /></mt:setvarblock><mt:unless name="listentry" eq="$curentry"><li><a href="<mt:entrypermalink />"><mt:entrytitle /></a></li></mt:unless></mt:entries></mt:setvarblock>
<mt:if name="listitems">
<h3>Related Entries</h3>
<mt:var name="listitems">


To install this plugin follow the instructions found here:


There is nothing special you need to do to use this plugin. As soon as it is installed, it will automatically republish any entries that share a tag with the entry being saved. It will only republish entries in the same blog as the entry being published.

Help, Bugs and Feature Requests

If you are having problems installing or using the plugin, please check out our general knowledge base and help ticket system at


Copyright 2011, Endevver, LLC. All rights reserved.


This plugin is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.

About Endevver

We design and develop web sites, products and services with a focus on simplicity, sound design, ease of use and community. We specialize in Movable Type and offer numerous services and packages to help customers make the most of this powerful publishing platform.


Perl Artistic


Byrne Reese

Byrne Reese was previously the Product Manager of Movable Type at Six Apart, where he had also held positions as the Manager of Platform Technology and Product Manager for TypePad. Byrne is a huge supporter of the Movable Type user and developer community. He dedicates much of his time to promoting and educating people about Movable Type as well as building the tools and plugins for Movable Type that are showcased on Majordojo. He contributes regularly to open source; and he is an advocate for open protocols and standards like Atom and OpenID.
