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MT-W3CValidator v1.5.0.0

By Brandon Fuller
Posted October 11, 2003, in Developer.


This plugin will validate your web pages on the fly when published from Movable Type. The validation is done live against the W3C's Markup Validation Service by sending your newly published page. A compliant page will then include a badge from the W3C. A non-compliant page will not display a badge.

This plugin was built to address the issue of many web pages claiming to be compliant but are not. They probably were at one time, but as you post things to your blog, you may post non-compliant code now and then and become uncompliant. This plugin makes sure your pages are compliant, before you claim it! Now, if you notice the badge missing from your page, you know something is wrong.

This plugin is not intended to be a tool for debugging and diagnosing why you are not compliant. That is what the W3C's Markup Validation Service is for. Go there and enter your page name if that is your goal. The goal of this plugin is to just quickly check if you are compliant or not and show the badge when you are compliant.
