Picasa Express Verified
Easily insert photos from Picasa Web Albums into blog entries. This plugin also wraps images in some HTML to accommodate a caption for nicer display given proper CSS styles….
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Easily insert photos from Picasa Web Albums into blog entries. This plugin also wraps images in some HTML to accommodate a caption for nicer display given proper CSS styles….
Add video conversion functions with Amazon Elastic Transcoder. Amazon Elastic Transcoder converts video content directly through the API, without the need for AWS command line tools, and can be used over a large number of servers. After installation, use the…
MultiFileUploader is a Movable Type plugin that allows for multiple files to be uploaded at once. This plugin can also automatically resize multiple uploaded images and add pre-specified tags. Usage Once the plugin is installed, the “Create new” item from…
This plugin creates thumbnail versions of images while keeping their aspect ratio intact. Usage Function Tags <$MTAssetThumbnailURLLimitSize$> Attribute width - specify the maximum width in pixels height - specify the maximum height in pixels…
AssetImageEditor adds Pixlr or Pixlr Express image editing software to Movable Type, allowing users to directly edit uploaded images. Compatibility Movable Type 5.13 (confirmed) Set-Up System Settings In system plugin settings, “Select Editor”, by default, is set to “No editor”….
This plugin provides template tags to automatically generate appropriate color codes from images uploaded in Movable Type. This can allow easy generation of styles to match images. Functions / Features Extract color codes from any image The following color codes…
The Asset Image Quality plugin for Movable Type gives you the opportunity to control the file size of automatically generated JPEG image assets. When resized image assets are used, you may notice that the file size is quite large —…
When you insert an image in the blog editing screen of MT, the path to the image will be the absolute path from the blog URL. This plug-in will convert to relative path starting with “/” the path to the image.
A Movable Type and Melody plugin that extracts Image EXIF data from assets and makes the data available through a set of template tags.
The Asset Mover plugin for Movable Type and Melody allows you to move a file-based asset to a different location. For example, you may want to move http://site.com/blog/file.jpg to http://site.com/blog/assets/file.jpg.
Enables publishing of assets and/or asset metadata, sorted by actual upload time!
A Movable Type and Melody plugin that provides a way to enforce a max image or thumbnail width for uploaded images to prevent users from uploading photos too wide for a column.
A framework for authenticated downloading of assets. Users must log in (just like when commenting) to have permission to download an asset.
The Asset Poller plugin adds a periodic task to Movable Type that will create assets based on contents of a given directory. The files in that directory will be moved to <site_root>/assets by default. Note: This is a fork of…
AssetDuJour is a plugin for Movable Type to preselect the date «du jour» (today) in the asset upload destination path. With the default behavior of MT, authors tend to upload all assets in the same place: the Site Root (or…
The Image Cropper Plugin provides a simple user interface for managing and generating custom thumbnails from your image assets. The plugin was specifically designed to addressed the case where publishers want the ability to produce different thumbnails designed specifically for…
Display image EXIF data along with image on weblog page. Especially useful with digital camera pictures, which often store a lot of EXIF data (time stamp, f/stop, shutter speed, ISO setting, white balance, etc.) inside each picture….
The Photo Gallery Plugin for Movable Type contains two components:
A streamlined interface to make managing, editing, and uploading to a photo gallery-style blog efficient. This updated interface can be used by any theme.
A photo gallery theme based upon the amazing design work of Jim Ramsey. It is designed to be a seamless extension of his popular Movable Type theme called Mid-Century.
This plugin add LightBox to your blog by adding rel=”ligthbox” automatically to your new image assets, and all the neccessary scripts to use LightBox….
Picnik is a free service that allows for users to edit photos online, much like you would using popular photo editing tools like Photoshop. The Picnik plugin for Movable Type provides a seamless integration with this service and allows you…
This plugin lets blog authors edit photos. Blog authors access the Photo editor via Movable Type’s Asset Management screen. A fuller description of the plugin can be found at the plugin homepage….
The Podcasting Plugin for Movable Type allows users to easily link to and include MP3 at any URL in their Movable Type blog and to manage those podcasts as assets within Movable Type’s asset management system. Once a podcast is…
MTRecentImages is used to work with the most recent images in the posts on your weblog. You could use this to make a list of the most recent images as a sidebar, an ATOM or RSS feed, or to simply…
Better File Uploader is a plugin that replaces and improves upon the Movable Type file upload tool. Multiple file uploading and 1-click uploading put a focus on speed and efficiency Resize on Upload keeps all images sized appropriately Watermarking ensures…
Display image EXIF data along with image on weblog page. Especially useful with digital camera pictures, which often store a lot of EXIF data (time stamp, f/stop, shutter speed, ISO setting, white balance, etc.) inside each picture. <ul> <MTImageInfo img="[MTBlogSitePath]/images/BrokenWindow.jpg"…
Uses Image::Magick to create modifications of images. Looks great for a photoblog, but hasn’t been tested yet. <MTEmbedImage basename=”images/[MTEntryID]” height=”40” thumbsuffix=”-40”> <a href=”<MTEntryLink>”> <img src=”<MTEmbedImageThumbFilename>” width=”<MTEmbedImageThumbWidth>” height=”<MTEmbedImageThumbHeight>” alt=”<MTEmbedImageThumbSize measure=”k”>k” hspace=”5” border=”0” /></a> </MTEmbedImage>…